「コンテンツ イズ キング」の時代が、ようやく訪れた。いまこそ「量より質」が、パブリッシャーに求められている。ビジネスを成功に導くために、なにを改革すべきなのか?第2回「DIGIDAY PUBLISHING SUMMIT」 (以下DPS)では語り合いたい。

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「コンテンツ イズ キング」の時代が、ようやく訪れた。いまこそ「量より質」が、パブリッシャーに求められている。ビジネスを成功に導くために、なにを改革すべきなのか?第2回「DIGIDAY PUBLISHING SUMMIT(略称:DPS)」では語り合いたい。

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デジタルパブリッシング革命 いま取り込むべき3つの挑戦


「量より質」は、DPS2016 IN KYOTOにおいて、大きなトピックとなった。


新年早々に開催するDPS2017 IN ODAWARAでは、「生き残り」ではなく「拡大戦略」、「適応」ではなく「改革」をもってして、新時代のデジタルパブリッシングを切り拓く方法について議論したい。

DIGIDAY[日本版]編集長 長田真


アイティメディア株式会社 / 株式会社朝日新聞社 / 株式会社インプレス / 株式会社オールアバウト /
株式会社クリエイティヴ・リンク / 株式会社講談社 / 株式会社光文社 / コンデナスト・ジャパン /
株式会社産経デジタル / 株式会社CCCメディアハウス / 株式会社時事通信社 / 株式会社集英社 /
株式会社小学館 / スターツ出版株式会社 / 株式会社世界文化社 / 株式会社ダイヤモンド社 /
株式会社テレビ東京コミュニケーションズ / 株式会社東洋経済新報社 / 株式会社日経BP /
日本放送協会 / 株式会社日本経済新聞社 / 株式会社日本ビジネスプレス /
BuzzFeed JAPAN株式会社 / フィナンシャル・タイムズ / Forbes JAPAN / 株式会社フジテレビジョン /
株式会社扶桑社 / 株式会社文藝春秋 / 株式会社毎日新聞社 / 株式会社マガジンハウス /
株式会社読売新聞東京本社 …and more


George Nishiyama

George Nishiyama

The Wall Street Journal

WSJ 日本版編集⻑

George Nishiyama

The Wall Street Journal

Managing Editor,The Wall Street Journal Japan


George Nishiyama is Managing Editor, responsible for overseeing The Wall Street Journal Japan (JWSJ) and Dow Jones’ Japanese Language Service (JLS) for institutional clients. George joined The Journal’s Tokyo bureau in 2011 as an editor in charge of economic policy coverage. Leading a team of reporters, he has been covering Abenomics from its launch, including the initial success of the Bank of Japan’s drastic easing measures and the struggle it is now facing amid an economic slowdown. More recently, he traded time with bureaucrats and politicians for time with a high‐school baseball pitcher in a rural town for a feature on his challenge at making it to the pros. George grew up in the U.S. and in Japan, and prior to The Journal, spent 18 years at Reuters, where he last managed its Japanese website as Deputy Editor.

Greg Pritchard

Greg Pritchard


Senior Vice President, International Development

Greg Pritchard is the SVP of International Development at GumGum. Under his leadership GumGum has expanded into EMEA and APAC, while launching strategic partnerships with agency holding groups, trading desks and premium publishers across these markets.

Greg joined GumGum in 2010 to lead publisher development, overseeing the strategy and launch of the industry’s first In-Image advertising platform and its growth to 400 million unique users. Greg also lead the launch of GumGum’s programmatic offering and Visual Intelligence technology.

Greg grew up in Minneapolis, MN and holds a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota.

Jason Barnes

Jason Barnes

PubMatic, Inc.

Vice President, Asia Pacific

PubMatic のアジア太平洋地域担当のヴァイス・プレジデントであるジェーソン・バーンズは、同社のオーストラリア、日本、インドのビジネスを指揮・統括している。 PubMatic 入社以前は、パブリッシャーがトレーディングの自動化に移行する黎明期に、 News Corp のオーストラリア支社のビジネス開発責任者として、プログラマティック・トレーディングのローンチと管理に従事した。 バーソンは、オーストラリアおよびイギリスにて 15 年以上ものデジタル分野における上級 職を歴任しており、2008 年初期には News Digital Media 入社。それ以前は、Fairfax Digital に 4 年在籍し、ビジネス開発ディレクターとしてモバイルビジネスの発展に従事した。 また、FT.com のロンドン支店にてコンテンツと法人向け購読ビジネスを担当した経験がある。

Jason is the Vice President for Asia Pacific at PubMatic where he is responsible for leading their business across Asia. He was previously Head of Commercial Development at News Corp Australia where he launched and managed their programmatic trading as the publisher moved into automated trading. Jason brings over 15 years of digital experience to the role from a number of senior positions in Australia and the UK. Before joining News in early 2008, Jason spent 4 years at Fairfax Digital as Business Development Director where he established their mobile business and prior to this was responsible for content and corporate subscription at FT.com in London.

Joe France

Joe France

Taboola Japan

Country manager

ジョー・フランスは2014年にTaboolaに参加し、Yahoo! JAPANのYahoo Content Discoveryに関するプロジェクトに携わる。2016年、モバイルとソーシャルにシフトするデジタル環境に対応すべきパブリッシャーの手助けとなるサービスを提供するため、Taboola Japanを設立。Taboolaに参加する以前は、MSNやLinkedIn、スタートアップ企業のAdmax Network等のブランド企業で長年アジア・パシフィックを拠点に働いてきた。ジョーの情熱は、テクノロジーを利用してパブリッシャーとマーケターの多様な目的を解決することだ。

Joe France joined Taboola in 2014 to work with Yahoo Japan on the unique project Yahoo Content Discovery. In 2016 Taboola also launched Taboola Japan network to help publishers in Japan meet the challenge of the new digital landscape which is more Mobile and more Social than ever before. Prior to joining Taboola, Joe worked in Asia Pacific for many years with many brands such as MSN, LinkedIn and several successful starts ups such as Admax Network. His passion is helping publishers and marketers harness technology to meet their diverse objectives.





Paul Rossi is President of The Economist Group’s global media businesses. Based in New York, Paul has global responsibility for all of the Group’s media properties. With over 300 people in 14 offices around the world the media businesses is made up of The Economist, The World in and 1843 magazines, Economist events, Thought Leadership and Content Solutions, EuroFinance, TVC Group and Ideas People Media.

Paul joined The Economist in London to manage advertising sales for the Middle East and Africa. He has held regional advertising sales director positions in Singapore and New York. In 2000, Paul became Commercial Director of Economist.com and publisher of the site in 2003, where he established the website as a profitable global business.

In January 2005, he was named Publisher of The Economist in North America, responsible for all commercial aspects of business including advertising, circulation and marketing for The Economist magazine, Economist.com and other Economist brand businesses. In 2007 he became Managing Director, EVP of The Economist Group with full P&L responsibility for all Economist and CFO brand businesses in the Americas.

In 2007, BtoB Media Business named Paul one of its top publishing innovators. In 2008, Adweek called The Economist the hottest magazine in America, naming Paul one of two Executives of the Year along with the Editor-in-Chief. Paul serves on the board of directors of the MPA – The Association of Magazine Media. He is also on the board of the Hope Program, a career development program for homeless and welfare-dependent adults in New York City.

Joe France

Steve Clemons


Editor at Large of The Atlantic and Editor-in-Chief of AtlanticLIVE

Steve Clemons is Editor at Large of The Atlantic and Editor-in-Chief of AtlanticLIVE, the premium division of Atlantic 3D journalism. Clemons is also foreign policy and politics contributor to MSNBC. Clemons also founded and serves as Senior Fellow of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, a centrist policy think tank in Washington, DC where he previously served as Executive Vice President. Prior to this, Clemons served as Executive Vice President of the Economic Strategy Institute, was Senior Economic & International Affairs Advisor to Senator Jeff Bingaman, and was the founding Executive Director of the Nixon Center, now re-named the Center for National Interest. Clemons writes and speaks frequently on consequential national security, politics, and economic policy issues.

稲富 卓哉

稲富 卓哉


アドプラットフォーム事業本部 SSP事業部 事業部長

Takuya Inatomi


Head of SSP Divsion


Graduated from Keio University School of Environmental Information 2004.After being SEM consultant he joined Fractalist(current United) in 2010.From the year 2012, he joined the first domestic smartphone SSP “AdStir” , and contributed to make this platform to be the leading SSP in Japan. In July 2016 he took over as the Head of SSP Divsion.

今井 悠介

今井 悠介



Yusuke Imai


Executive Officer(SSP Business)

2013年4月に株式会社VOYAGE GROUPの100%子会社である株式会社adingo(現:株式会社fluct)に入社。SSP「fluct」のコンサルティング営業を経て、2014年4月より外部事業社との提携を進めるアライアンスチームの責任者に就任。現在は、同社のSSP事業開発を推進するべく、2016年04月より執行役員就任。

Yusuke Imai joined adingo, currently fluct, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of VOYAGE GROUP in April 2013. Yusuke had served as a sales consulting of SSP fluct, and took a post of a manager of alliance team, which organizes partnership business with third party corporations. Since April 2016, Yusuke serves as an executive officer (SSP Business).

上野 正博

上野 正博

BuzzFeed Japan株式会社


Masahiro Ueno

BuzzFeed Japan Corporation


1964年生まれ。1987年株式会社リクルート入社。1998年ダブルクリック株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。2001年トランスコスモス株式会社 取締役就任。2003年同社 常務取締役に就任。2004年オーバーチュア株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。2006年ビカム株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。2011年4月CRITEO株式会社に入社し、アジア太平洋地域最高責任者に就任。2011年6月同社 代表取締役に就任(アジア太平洋地域最高責任者兼任)。2016年4月BuzzFeed Japan株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。

Masahiro Ueno (born in 1964) previously served as Managing Director Asia Pacific for Criteo S.A., and Representative Director for Criteo K.K. in June 2011. He starts his carrier at Recruit. He was formerly the President at DoubleClick K.K. (currently a subsidiary of Google) from 1998, then joined as a Managing Director for Transcosmos in 2003. Ueno served as President of Overture K.K. (currently Yahoo Japan Corporation) from 2004. In 2006, Ueno was appointed President of Become Japan Corporation. Ueno join to BuzzFeed Japan as CEO in April 2016.

江川 亮一

江川 亮一



Ryoichi Egawa

Cxense Co., LTD.


1997年に日本オラクル株式会社に入社。ITコンサルタントとして大手企業向けウェブシステム構築やERP導入に従事。 その後、日本IBMを経て検索エンジン大手のオートノミー、ファストサーチ&トランスファーにてセールスディレクターとして数々の著名ウェブサイトでの検索・レコメンデーション導入を担当。 2010年、オンライン・メディア企業向けに収益の最大化・ユーザエクスペリエンス向上ソリューションをクラウドで提供するシーセンスの立ち上げに参画。グローバルで6000,日本国内で350を超えるサイトで採用済み。

As Senior Vice President, Business Development, and President Japan, Ryoichi Egawa leads Cxense Japan. Before joining Cxense, Egawa had more than 10 years of experience in leadership roles in the software industry. Most recently, Egawa was Director of Sales at FAST and, subsequently, in the Digital Marketing Platform Group at Microsoft. Before this he served as Sales Director in Autonomy and Field Alliance Manager in IBM Japan. Egawa also has experience in IT consulting at Oracle.

Jason Barnes

太田 禎一

アドビ システムズ 株式会社

アドビ・グローバル・サービス ソリューションコンサルティング本部 ソリューション コンサルタント

Teiichi Ota

Adobe Systems Co., Ltd.

Solutions Consultant Solutions Consulting Adobe Global Services

アドビ システムズ(旧マクロメディア)でDirector/Flash/Dreamweaverなどクリエイティブツールのプロダクトマネジメント/マーケティング/エバンジェリズムを担当し、一流Flashクリエイターを核としたユーザーコミュニティの発展と国際交流に関与。現在はオンラインビデオビジネスやクリエイティブ領域でコンサルタントおよびフリーエバンジェリストとして活動。

Started his career in product management, product marketing, and evangelism of interactive Web design/authoring tools such as Director, Flash, Dreamweaver at Macromedia and Adobe. Having worked with kick-ass Japanese Flash creators, contributed to the development of interactive design user communities in Japan, and helped them engaged with numerous cool shit creators around the world. Working as a consultant and evangelist in online video and creative space since 2014.

柏原 光太郎

柏原 光太郎



Kotaro Kashiwabara

Bungeishunju Ltd.


1986年、株式会社 文藝春秋入社。「週刊文春」「文藝春秋」「オール讀物」編集部、文春文庫部長、宣伝プロモーション部長などを経て、2015年ウェブ事業部長となり、新しいウェブの構想を模索。2016年7月に部内に「文春オンライン」編集部を立ち上げ、2017年1月25日スタート。

Kotaro joined Bungeishunju in 1986 and served in editorial department of Shukanbunshun, Bungeishunju, and Ooruyomimono. Later he worked as a manager of Bunshunbunko and a manager of promotion department then he served as a manager of web business department in 2015, where he directed establishing the way of monetization on web business. In July of 2016, he started an editorial team of Bunshun Online, which launches on January 25th of 2017.

北庄司 英雄

北庄司 英雄



Hideo Kitashoji

Brightcove K.K.

Senior Sales Director

2001年ヤフー株式会社入社、ディスプレイ広告の営業を7年間担当した後、国内の動画配信事業社にて企業向けの動画活用の啓蒙や導入などに注力。2012年にセールスディレクターとしてブライトコーブに入社。 以来、自社サービスである「Video Cloud」を活用したオウンドメディアの動画マーケティングを推進。特に最近はメディア企業向けに動画広告によるマネタイズのコンサルティング提案に注力している。

Hideo Kitashoji joined Brightcove in 2012 as Sales Director. Since then, he promotes video marketing with owned media by utilizing Brightcove’s Video Cloud service. He also focuses on business development with video ads for media companies such as TV stations and newspapers.
Prior to Brightcove, Kitashoji focused on enlightenment and introduction of enterprise video in a domestic company of video distribution. He joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2001 and experienced branding ad sales for seven years.

小池 政秀

小池 政秀



Masahide Koike

CyberAgent, Inc.

Exective director


Born in 1975 in Shizuoka. After working for AiiA Corporation and LINC Media, joined CyberAgent in 2001. He has committed to media business and worked as general manager of Ameba project head office since 2007, and served as a president of AMoAd in 2011. After performing as a member of the board of CyberAgent in 2012, he currently serves as an executive director of the company since 2014. He is also a member of the board of Abema TV.

小林 桂

小林 桂



Kei Kobayashi



集英社に入社後、宣伝部、広告部、ブランド事業部などに勤務。2015年に株式会社プロジェクト8を設立 同社代表取締役に就任。

Kei served at PR, advertising, and brand division since he joined SHUEISHA. He is currently a board member of the company’s dirctors. He also founded Project8, subsidiary of SHUEISHA in 2015 and serves as a CEO of the company.

Jason Barnes

嶋瀬 宏



Hiroshi Shimase

Outbrain Japan K.K.

Managing Director

2001年 三菱商事株式会社入社。国内外における新規プロジェクト開発などを担当。同社退職後、新規事業のインキュベーション・コンサルティングを行う株式会社ステラ・ホールディングスを設立。2013年11月よりアウトブレイン ジャパン株式会社の社長に就任し、オンラインパブリッシャーとコンテンツマーケティングを展開するさまざまな企業をサポートしている。

Hiroshi Shimase is the Managing Director of Outbrain Japan. As Managing Director, Hiroshi is responsible for all sales, business operations and client services. Prior to joining Outbrain, Hiroshi was the founder of Stella Holdings, a company that provides incubation consulting for both start-up organizations and large companies wishing to expand their businesses in Japan and/or globally. He also helped to establish and support the Nagasaki University start-up programme. Previously, Hiroshi also served at the Mitsubishi Corporation and was involved in Business Development projects spanning both domestic and overseas.

清水 俊宏

清水 俊宏



Toshihiro Shimizu

Fuji Television Network, Inc.

News Content Project Leader of Fuji Television Network


Toshihiro joined Fuji Television in 2002 as a writer of politics team and interviewed Junichiro Koizumi, a former prime minister of Japan. After that, he has served as a director of news programs, such as Shinhodo2001, Uppeer House election program in 2013 and Lower House election program in 2014, and later he worked as a producer of News JAPAN. He is in his current position since 2016, directing a news media, Houdoukyoku and VR business. He likes to travel overseas.

Jason Barnes

菅原 聡



Satoshi Sugahara

Japan Business Press Co., Ltd.


早稲田大学 法学部卒。新聞社系出版社にて、電子技術、医療、デジタルトレンド、ビジネス、ライフスタイルほか、多様なWebサイトの開発・運営に携わる。2008年、創業メンバーのひとりとして(株)日本ビジネスプレスを立ち上げる。同年11月より代表取締役に就任。2015年10月より(株)ビジネスメディア・ファクトリー、および(株)JBpress 代表取締役を兼任。

After Satoshi graduated from the law school of Waseda University, he joined a publishing company and produced and run a variety of web-sites, regarding electronic technology, medical, digital trend, business, lifestyle, and etc. Satoshi founded Japan Business Press in 2008 as a member of co-founders, and took a place of president in November 2008. Satoshi also serves as CEO of Business Media Factory and JBpress since October 2015.

Jason Barnes

菅原 健一



Kenichi Sugawara

SmartNews, Inc.

Head of Brand Advertising


After working as CMO serving business development and marketing at Supership formerly known as ScaleOut and mediba, jioned SmartNews in 2016. At SmartNews,pioneering new branding experience on mobile by latest advertising technology and data driven marketing.

Jason Barnes


Teads Japan株式会社

Head of publishing

Masako Tagami

Teads Japan K.K.

Head of publishing

2015年4月 Teads Japan 株式会社の立ち上げメンバーとして入社、媒体社にアウトストリーム動画広告への事業参入・新たなアウトストリーム在庫の創出を支援、国内最大規模のアウトストリーム動画プラットフォーム提供に携わる。TeadsのアウトストリームSSPソリューションを活用した媒体社の広告収益の最大化を支援する。

Masako Tagami joined Teads Japan in 2015 to launch its outstream video advertising business in Japan. Since then, she promotes publishers to work with Teads to create brand new outstream video inventory, monetizing it through programmatic buying, their own sales force, or third parties including Teads Demand.

Jason Barnes

程 涛



Tao Cheng

popIn Inc.



Born 1982 in Hunan province, China. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, transferred into the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo. Started popIn in 2008 while studying for his master degree. popIn was acquired by Baidu in 2015.

鳥居 洋介

鳥居 洋介

株式会社 産経デジタル


Yousuke Torii




Yousuke was born in 1960 in Osaka. After he graduated from KWANSEI GAKUIN University, Yousuke joined Sankei Shimbun and served as a director of Fuji Evening Kansai editorial division, a director of culture division of Sankei Shumbun Tokyo headquarters, an editor in chief of evening edition at Osaka headquarters, a president of Fuji Evening, and a director of editorial division at Osaka headquarters. He then serves as a president and CEO of Sankei Digital since June, 2015.

長崎 亘宏

長崎 亘宏


第一事業局 局次長 兼 ライツ・メディアビジネス局 局次長

Nobuhiro Nagasaki

Kodansha Ltd.

The deputy executive director of first division and rights / media business division

デルフィス、マッキャンエリクソンそれぞれのメディアプランニング職を経て、2006年、講談社に入社。雑誌、コミック、デジタルメディアの広告商品開発やイベント事業に携わる。2010年より、雑誌広告効果測定調査「M-VALUE」設立に従事。2014年より、JIAA(日本インタラクティブ広告協会)ネイティブ広告部会座長として、ガイドラインや広告効果指標の整備に取組む。2015年、第3回webグランプリ「Web 人 of the year」を受賞。

After working for McCann and Delphys as a media planner, joined KODANSHA in 2006. He has been committed to event business and produced ad products for magazines, comics, and digital media in the company. He established M-VALUE, a study of measuring advertising effectiveness of magazine. A chairman of JIAA native advertising committee since 2014, which develops a guideline and reseaches to standardize advertising effectiveness measurement indicator. He received an award of Web Person of the Year in 2015.

Jason Barnes

八田 浩



Hiroshi Hatta

Skill Up Video Technologies Corporation


2001年明治大学経営学部卒業。 証券会社勤務の後、2004年株式会社オプト入社。 名古屋営業所立ち上げなど営業に従事したのち、電通との資本業務提携においては協業責任者として同社へ出向。 2010年オプトに帰任以来、従来の広告代理事業に加え、アドテク事業、動画事業、オムニチャネル事業のメディア/商品開発を担当。2011年7月株式会社オプト執行役員に就任。2015年4月~2016年3月まで同社取締役に就任。2015年12月より当社代表取締役社長に就任。

Hiroshi Hatta serves as CEO of Skill Up Video Technologies in December 2015. He served as Director of board at OPT in 2014. He worked for OPT from 2004. In the capital and business alliance between Dentsu and OPT, he was in chage of collaboration with Dentsu from 2008 to 2010.
Since returning to OPT, in addition to the conventional advertising agency business, he was in charge of media / product development /ad tech business/ online video business, omni channel business. Hiroshi Hatta graduated from the Meiji University Faculty of Business Administration in 2001.

Jason Barnes

平岡 正英


メディア・ソリューション本部 メディアプラニングユニット 副本部長 兼 ユニットマネージャー

Masahide Hiraoka

Hakuhodo DY Digital

Deputy Head of Media Solution, Media Solution group

1998年より、DACに出向し、ネットメディアビジネスに従事。ネットメディア黎明期よりデジタルメディアを使った課題解決に携わる。2014年4月より、パフォーマンスメディア業務推進部 部長。2016年4月より、博報堂DYデジタルにて、デジタル広告メディアプランニング全般を統括。予約型、運用型広告のハイブリットなプラニング、開発を担務する。

Since 1998 Mr.Hiraoka been assigned to DAC and in charged of Internet media business. He was involved in solving the problem using digital media since the dawn of Internet business. From April 2014, he became the Director of the Performance Media Business Promotion Division. From April 2016, he was in charge of overall digital advertising media planning at Hakuhodo DY Digital. His responsible for hybrid planning and development of booking and operational type advertisement.

Jason Barnes

堀内 健后



Kengo Horiuchi

Treasure Data, K.K.

Marketing Director

プライスウォーターハウスクーパースコンサルタント株式会社(現 日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社)にて、業務改革、システム改革のプロジェクトに参画。2006年、マネックスグループ株式会社に入社、顧客向けWebサービスの企画・開発のプロジェクトマネージャーを担当。2013年2月より、トレジャーデータ株式会社入社、日本国内での事業展開を進めている。

Joined Treasure Data as a leader to establish their business in Japan and now take in leading role in marketing and developing new business not only in Japan but in Asia. Prior to joining the company, worked for Monex Group and leading engineering team of Monex Lab, and developed mobile and web apps of asset management with agile process. He was first AWS user in financial industry in Japan. Prior to joining Monex, he served as a consultant in PwC to conduct several BPR projects, and IT strategy.

宮澤 弦

宮澤 弦


上級執行役員 メディア・マーケティングソリューションズグループ長

Gen Miyazawa

Yahoo Japan Corporation

Yahoo! JAPAN/Executive Corporate Office EVP
President of Media and Marketing Solutions Group


Gen Miyazawa, currently the president of Media and Marketing Solutions Group is the company’s youngest Executive Corporate Officer. Upon graduating from Tokyo University, Gen started up Cirius Technologies which was later acquired by Yahoo! JAPAN in 2010, where he also joined in 2011. His first project upon joining Yahoo! JAPAN, was related to Yahoo Display Ad Network. Later in 2014, he became corporate officer and the head of Search Service Company. Gen is in his current position since April 2016.

Jason Barnes

望月 貴晃



Takamitsu Mochizuki

GoldSpot Media, Inc.


株式会社サイバードにてモバイル広告事業の立ち上げに参加。モバイルFlashを使ったリッチクリエイティブを得意とし、パフォーマンスの改善提案に従事。 その後、株式会社CCIにてスマートフォン広告事業に携わる。2011年株式会社ホワイトボードを設立、取締役に就任。 ソーシャルコマースサービス”LISTOR”を開始。2012年7月より米国法人GoldSpotMediaの日本展開に参加。 国内大手媒体社様とのモバイルリッチメディアの取り組みを開始。

I am an Entrepreneur and Specialist as Rich Media and Video advertising. My personal mantra is: I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

Jason Barnes

吉永 浩和



Hirokazu Yoshinaga

Logly, Inc.

President & CEO

1977年生まれ。早稲田大学大学院 博士課程修了 博士(工学)。2006年ログリー株式会社を設立し、代表取締役に就任。以来、ログ分析技術をコアコンピタンスとしてレコメンドシステムや広告配信システムの開発に取り組む。

Hirokazu born in 1977. He received a Ph.D. in Engineering from Waseda University. He founded Logly, Inc. in 2006 and become the president & CEO.


1日目 – 2月2日 木曜日


Registration Desk Opens


Publisher Town Hall

Publishers only
モデレーター今田 素子
株式会社メディアジーン/代表取締役 CEO
モデレーター田中 準也
株式会社インフォバーン/執行役員 アカウントプランニング部門及びDIGIDAY事業担当


Sandbox Presentations

Publishers only
スピーカー今井 悠介
今井 悠介
Yusuke Imai
fluct/Executive Officer(SSP Business)

2013年4月に株式会社VOYAGE GROUPの100%子会社である株式会社adingo(現:株式会社fluct)に入社。SSP「fluct」のコンサルティング営業を経て、2014年4月より外部事業社との提携を進めるアライアンスチームの責任者に就任。現在は、同社のSSP事業開発を推進するべく、2016年04月より執行役員就任。

Yusuke Imai joined adingo, currently fluct, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of VOYAGE GROUP in April 2013. Yusuke had served as a sales consulting of SSP fluct, and took a post of a manager of alliance team, which organizes partnership business with third party corporations. Since April 2016, Yusuke serves as an executive officer (SSP Business).

スピーカーJason Barnes
PubMatic, Inc./Vice President, Asia Pacific
Jason Barnes

PubMatic のアジア太平洋地域担当のヴァイス・プレジデントであるジェーソン・バーンズは、同社のオーストラリア、日本、インドのビジネスを指揮・統括している。 PubMatic 入社以前は、パブリッシャーがトレーディングの自動化に移行する黎明期に、 News Corp のオーストラリア支社のビジネス開発責任者として、プログラマティック・トレーディングのローンチと管理に従事した。 バーソンは、オーストラリアおよびイギリスにて 15 年以上ものデジタル分野における上級 職を歴任しており、2008 年初期には News Digital Media 入社。それ以前は、Fairfax Digital に 4 年在籍し、ビジネス開発ディレクターとしてモバイルビジネスの発展に従事した。 また、FT.com のロンドン支店にてコンテンツと法人向け購読ビジネスを担当した経験がある。

Jason is the Vice President for Asia Pacific at PubMatic where he is responsible for leading their business across Asia. He was previously Head of Commercial Development at News Corp Australia where he launched and managed their programmatic trading as the publisher moved into automated trading. Jason brings over 15 years of digital experience to the role from a number of senior positions in Australia and the UK. Before joining News in early 2008, Jason spent 4 years at Fairfax Digital as Business Development Director where he established their mobile business and prior to this was responsible for content and corporate subscription at FT.com in London.

スピーカー江川 亮一
江川 亮一
Ryoichi Egawa
Cxense Co., LTD./President

1997年に日本オラクル株式会社に入社。ITコンサルタントとして大手企業向けウェブシステム構築やERP導入に従事。 その後、日本IBMを経て検索エンジン大手のオートノミー、ファストサーチ&トランスファーにてセールスディレクターとして数々の著名ウェブサイトでの検索・レコメンデーション導入を担当。 2010年、オンライン・メディア企業向けに収益の最大化・ユーザエクスペリエンス向上ソリューションをクラウドで提供するシーセンスの立ち上げに参画。グローバルで6000,日本国内で350を超えるサイトで採用済み。

As Senior Vice President, Business Development, and President Japan, Ryoichi Egawa leads Cxense Japan. Before joining Cxense, Egawa had more than 10 years of experience in leadership roles in the software industry. Most recently, Egawa was Director of Sales at FAST and, subsequently, in the Digital Marketing Platform Group at Microsoft. Before this he served as Sales Director in Autonomy and Field Alliance Manager in IBM Japan. Egawa also has experience in IT consulting at Oracle.


Networking Lunch


Opening Remarks

Open to all
スピーカーBrian Morrissey
DIGIDAY/President & editor-in-chief


The Digiday Challenge Board

スピーカー吉田 拓史


Biggest Trend in the Industry

スピーカー長田 真



The End of Free

多くのパブリッシャーが直面している広告依存のビジネスモデルについて、The Economistのプレジデントが警鐘を唱える。オンラインコンテンツを、無料でビッグオーディエンスに向けて提供するシステムは過渡期に来ており、パブリッシャーは全体的なビジネスモデルを考え直す時期に来ている。

Publishers are now faced with correcting a historic mistake: Giving away their content online in the quest for big audiences. That must now be corrected, argues the president of The Economist, as the ad-dependent model is in disarray.


Paul Rossi is President of The Economist Group’s global media businesses. Based in New York, Paul has global responsibility for all of the Group’s media properties. With over 300 people in 14 offices around the world the media businesses is made up of The Economist, The World in and 1843 magazines, Economist events, Thought Leadership and Content Solutions, EuroFinance, TVC Group and Ideas People Media.

Paul joined The Economist in London to manage advertising sales for the Middle East and Africa. He has held regional advertising sales director positions in Singapore and New York. In 2000, Paul became Commercial Director of Economist.com and publisher of the site in 2003, where he established the website as a profitable global business.

In January 2005, he was named Publisher of The Economist in North America, responsible for all commercial aspects of business including advertising, circulation and marketing for The Economist magazine, Economist.com and other Economist brand businesses. In 2007 he became Managing Director, EVP of The Economist Group with full P&L responsibility for all Economist and CFO brand businesses in the Americas.

In 2007, BtoB Media Business named Paul one of its top publishing innovators. In 2008, Adweek called The Economist the hottest magazine in America, naming Paul one of two Executives of the Year along with the Editor-in-Chief. Paul serves on the board of directors of the MPA – The Association of Magazine Media. He is also on the board of the Hope Program, a career development program for homeless and welfare-dependent adults in New York City.

モデレーターBrian Morrissey
DIGIDAY/President & editor-in-chief



The impact of loyal audience on media business


Readers of the media came to visit from various platforms. It is a challenge to change the first users from these platforms to repeaters. Loyal audience such as repeaters will have a major impact on the media business. We will introduce the impact of loyal audience on business based on the example of analysis tool “Loyalfarm” announced in November 2016.

スピーカー吉永 浩和
吉永 浩和
Hirokazu Yoshinaga
Logly, Inc./CEO

1977年生まれ。早稲田大学大学院 博士課程修了 博士(工学)。2006年ログリー株式会社を設立し、代表取締役に就任。以来、ログ分析技術をコアコンピタンスとしてレコメンドシステムや広告配信システムの開発に取り組む。

Hirokazu born in 1977. He received a Ph.D. in Engineering from Waseda University. He founded Logly, Inc. in 2006 and become the president & CEO.



KODANSHA’s digital portfolio: Challenges to the digital shift


KODANSHA was founded in 1909 and is one of Japan’s leading publishing companies. The company is restructuring its know-how, cultivated in the print era, to inform how it creates digital content today. In this session, it will introduce its new digital portfolio, including a relaunched digital magazine “COURRiER Japon,” a video service in collaboration with the YouTubers “Bom Bom TV,” its luxury publication “FORZA STYLE” and a women’s fashion and beauty website “mi-mollet.”

スピーカー長崎 亘宏
株式会社講談社/第一事業局 局次長 兼 ライツ・メディアビジネス局 局次長
長崎 亘宏
Nobuhiro Nagasaki
Kodansha Ltd./The deputy executive director of first division and rights / media business division

デルフィス、マッキャンエリクソンそれぞれのメディアプランニング職を経て、2006年、講談社に入社。雑誌、コミック、デジタルメディアの広告商品開発やイベント事業に携わる。2010年より、雑誌広告効果測定調査「M-VALUE」設立に従事。2014年より、JIAA(日本インタラクティブ広告協会)ネイティブ広告部会座長として、ガイドラインや広告効果指標の整備に取組む。2015年、第3回webグランプリ「Web 人 of the year」を受賞。

After working for McCann and Delphys as a media planner, joined KODANSHA in 2006. He has been committed to event business and produced ad products for magazines, comics, and digital media in the company. He established M-VALUE, a study of measuring advertising effectiveness of magazine. A chairman of JIAA native advertising committee since 2014, which develops a guideline and reseaches to standardize advertising effectiveness measurement indicator. He received an award of Web Person of the Year in 2015.

モデレーター長田 真


Refreshment & Networking Break


Town Hall Reports & Review of the Challenge Board



How to monetize Smartphone PMP through Brand Proposal Distribution

博報堂DYデジタルが推進するHDY PMPと、スマートフォンSSP「AdStir(アドステア)」が接続。2017年は本格的なスマートフォンPMP市場の到来といっても過言ではありません。プレミアムメディアにおけるスマートフォンPMPの最前線についてご紹介いたします。

It’s no doubt that authentic “Smartphone PMP” market is coming in 2017, Since one of the most influential Hakuhodo’s PMP is integrated to our smartphone SSP “AdStir” . The session introduces the recent trend of smartphone PMP leveraged by premium publishers.

スピーカー稲富 卓哉
ユナイテッド株式会社/アドプラットフォーム事業本部SSP事業部 事業部長
稲富 卓哉
Takuya Inatomi
UNITED, Inc./Head of SSP/Ad Platform Divsion


Graduated from Keio University School of Environmental Information 2004.After being SEM consultant he joined Fractalist(current United) in 2010.From the year 2012, he joined the first domestic smartphone SSP “AdStir” , and contributed to make this platform to be the leading SSP in Japan. In July 2016 he took over as the Head of SSP Divsion.

スピーカー平岡 正英
博報堂DYデジタル/メディア・ソリューション本部 メディアプラニングユニット副本部長 兼 ユニットマネージャー
平岡 正英
Masahide Hiraoka
Hakuhodo DY digital Inc./Deputy General Manager/Unit Manager, Media Planning Unit, Media & Solution Division

1998年より、DACに出向し、ネットメディアビジネスに従事。ネットメディア黎明期よりデジタルメディアを使った課題解決に携わる。2014年4月より、パフォーマンスメディア業務推進部 部長。2016年4月より、博報堂DYデジタルにて、デジタル広告メディアプランニング全般を統括。予約型、運用型広告のハイブリットなプラニング、開発を担務する。

Since 1998 Mr.Hiraoka been assigned to DAC and in charged of Internet media business. He was involved in solving the problem using digital media since the dawn of Internet business. From April 2014, he became the Director of the Performance Media Business Promotion Division. From April 2016, he was in charge of overall digital advertising media planning at Hakuhodo DY Digital. His responsible for hybrid planning and development of booking and operational type advertisement.


需要増すデジタル報道、Yahoo! JAPANが担う役割とは?

Yahoo! JAPAN’s role in the increased demand for digital news

日本のデジタルパブリッシング業界において、唯一無二のプレゼンスを誇るYahoo! JAPAN。スマートフォンの普及でインターネットユーザーが激増するなか、Yahoo!ニュースはひときわ大きな存在感を放っている。日進月歩するデジタルパブリッシング業界においてYahoo! JAPANは今後、どんな役割を担っていこうとしているのか?

Yahoo! JAPAN is the biggest portal news media in Japan. As the share of smartphone grows, the consumption of Yahoo! News is increasing. The session discusses the role of Yahoo! JAPAN in this fast changing publishing industry.

スピーカー宮澤 弦
ヤフー株式会社/上級執行役員 メディア・マーケティングソリューションズグループ長
宮澤 弦
Gen Miyazawa
Yahoo Japan Corporation/Yahoo! JAPAN/Executive Corporate Office EVP
President of Media and Marketing Solutions Group


Gen Miyazawa, currently the president of Media and Marketing Solutions Group is the company’s youngest Executive Corporate Officer. Upon graduating from Tokyo University, Gen started up Cirius Technologies which was later acquired by Yahoo! JAPAN in 2010, where he also joined in 2011. His first project upon joining Yahoo! JAPAN, was related to Yahoo Display Ad Network. Later in 2014, he became corporate officer and the head of Search Service Company. Gen is in his current position since April 2016.

モデレーター今田 素子
株式会社メディアジーン/代表取締役 CEO



Media Marketing Strategy with Revenue Contribution Data


This session will introduce the future of media marketing strategy enabled by the ability to visualize revenue contribution per content and Outbrain’s revolutionary technology that enables revenue optimization through recommendation.

スピーカー嶋瀬 宏
嶋瀬 宏
Hiroshi Shimase
Outbrain Japan K.K./Managing Director

2001年 三菱商事株式会社入社。国内外における新規プロジェクト開発などを担当。同社退職後、新規事業のインキュベーション・コンサルティングを行う株式会社ステラ・ホールディングスを設立。2013年11月よりアウトブレイン ジャパン株式会社の社長に就任し、オンラインパブリッシャーとコンテンツマーケティングを展開するさまざまな企業をサポートしている。

Hiroshi Shimase is the Managing Director of Outbrain Japan. As Managing Director, Hiroshi is responsible for all sales, business operations and client services. Prior to joining Outbrain, Hiroshi was the founder of Stella Holdings, a company that provides incubation consulting for both start-up organizations and large companies wishing to expand their businesses in Japan and/or globally. He also helped to establish and support the Nagasaki University start-up programme. Previously, Hiroshi also served at the Mitsubishi Corporation and was involved in Business Development projects spanning both domestic and overseas.



BUNSHUN ONLINE’s voyage into digital


In 2016, Bunshun’s scoops on economic misconduct, arrests, affairs, and pop group breakups blew up the internet. The publishing company not only published in its weekly magazine “Shukan Bunshun”: it also had an impact with diverse content, such as the Netflix original drama “Hibana,” based on the Akutagawa Prize-winning story. Furthermore, its flagship website Bunshun Online will launch in January. This session introduces their powerful content and distribution strategy.

スピーカー柏原 光太郎
株式会社文藝春秋/宣伝プロモーション局次長 ウェブ事業部長
柏原 光太郎
Kotaro Kashiwabara

1986年、株式会社 文藝春秋入社。「週刊文春」「文藝春秋」「オール讀物」編集部、文春文庫部長、宣伝プロモーション部長などを経て2015年ウェブ事業部長となり、新しいウェブの構想を模索。2016年7月に部内に「文春オンライン」編集部を立ち上げ、2017年1月25日スタート。

Kotaro joined Bungeishunju in 1986 and served in editorial department of Shukanbunshun, Bungeishunju, and Ooruyomimono. Later he worked as a manager of Bunshunbunko and a manager of promotion department then he served as a manager of web business department in 2015, where he directed establishing the way of monetization on web business. In July of 2016, he started an editorial team of Bunshun Online, which launches on January 25th of 2017.

モデレーター長田 真



Value of Quality Media through Read-thru Data Analysis


popIn was established in 2008 as a joint venture with the University of Tokyo. As a means to support media business, we have been providing content-recommendation and native ad services. In this session, we introduce MediaDNA, analytics aims at providing solid proof to quality media, built upon our patented read-thru analysis “READ” techonlgy.

スピーカー程 涛
popIn 株式会社/代表取締役
程 涛
Tao Cheng
popIn Inc./CEO


Born 1982 in Hunan province, China. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, transferred into the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo. Started popIn in 2008 while studying for his master degree. popIn was acquired by Baidu in 2015.



How AbemaTV exceeded 10 million downloads in 7 month


While many video content providers come to the fore in the publishing industry, Abema TV, which is an online TV service CyberAgent joined forces with TV Asahi launched in April, 2016. Since its launch, Abema TV hit 10 million downloads within 7 months. The session introduces how Abema TV operates the constant and quick content producton process, its advertising menu, and case studies of data analytics.

スピーカー小池 政秀
小池 政秀
Masahide Koike
CyberAgent, Inc./Exective director


Born in 1975 in Shizuoka. After working for AiiA Corporation and LINC Media, joined CyberAgent in 2001. He has committed to media business and worked as general manager of Ameba project head office since 2007, and served as a president of AMoAd in 2011. After performing as a member of the board of CyberAgent in 2012, he currently serves as an executive director of the company since 2014. He is also a member of the board of Abema TV.


VIP Meeting & Drinks

VIP publishing execs only


10-Minute Meetings


Drinks Reception

Sponsored by AOLプラットフォームズ・ジャパン株式会社
Open to all




2日目 – 2月3日 金曜日




Publisher Town Hall

Publishers only
モデレーター菅原 健一
菅原 健一
Kenichi Sugawara
SmartNews, Inc./Head of Brand Advertising


After working as CMO serving business development and marketing at Supership formerly known as ScaleOut and mediba, jioned SmartNews in 2016. At SmartNews,pioneering new branding experience on mobile by latest advertising technology and data driven marketing.

モデレーター長田 真


Sandbox Presentations

Publishers only
スピーカー望月 貴晃
望月 貴晃
Takamitsu Mochizuki
GoldSpot Media Inc./CEO

株式会社サイバードにてモバイル広告事業の立ち上げに参加。モバイルFlashを使ったリッチクリエイティブを得意とし、パフォーマンスの改善提案に従事。 その後、株式会社CCIにてスマートフォン広告事業に携わる。2011年株式会社ホワイトボードを設立、取締役に就任。 ソーシャルコマースサービス”LISTOR”を開始。2012年7月より米国法人GoldSpotMediaの日本展開に参加。 国内大手媒体社様とのモバイルリッチメディアの取り組みを開始。

I am an Entrepreneur and Specialist as Rich Media and Video advertising. My personal mantra is: I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

スピーカーJoe France
Taboola Japan/Country manager

ジョー・フランスは2014年にTaboolaに参加し、Yahoo! JAPANのYahoo Content Discoveryに関するプロジェクトに携わる。2016年、モバイルとソーシャルにシフトするデジタル環境に対応すべきパブリッシャーの手助けとなるサービスを提供するため、Taboola Japanを設立。Taboolaに参加する以前は、MSNやLinkedIn、スタートアップ企業のAdmax Network等のブランド企業で長年アジア・パシフィックを拠点に働いてきた。ジョーの情熱は、テクノロジーを利用してパブリッシャーとマーケターの多様な目的を解決することだ。

Joe France joined Taboola in 2014 to work with Yahoo Japan on the unique project Yahoo Content Discovery. In 2016 Taboola also launched Taboola Japan network to help publishers in Japan meet the challenge of the new digital landscape which is more Mobile and more Social than ever before. Prior to joining Taboola, Joe worked in Asia Pacific for many years with many brands such as MSN, LinkedIn and several successful starts ups such as Admax Network. His passion is helping publishers and marketers harness technology to meet their diverse objectives.

Teads Japan株式会社/Head of publishing
田上 正子
Masako Tagami
Teads Japan K.K./Head of publishing

2015年4月 Teads Japan 株式会社の立ち上げメンバーとして入社、媒体社にアウトストリーム動画広告への事業参入・新たなアウトストリーム在庫の創出を支援、国内最大規模のアウトストリーム動画プラットフォーム提供に携わる。TeadsのアウトストリームSSPソリューションを活用した媒体社の広告収益の最大化を支援する。

Masako Tagami joined Teads Japan in 2015 to launch its outstream video advertising business in Japan. Since then, she promotes publishers to work with Teads to create brand new outstream video inventory, monetizing it through programmatic buying, their own sales force, or third parties including Teads Demand.


Refreshment & Networking Break



The View from Washington: What Now?


The unthinkable has happened and Donald Trump is the president of the United States. His first turbulent days in office have caused no small amount of discomfort in the U.S. and abroad. Veteran Washington editor Steve Clemens will discuss whether Trump heralds an American retreat from the world or a temporary detour from America’s traditional global role.

スピーカーSteve Clemons
Atlantic Media/Editor at Large of The Atlantic and Editor-in-Chief of AtlanticLIVE
steve clemons

Steve Clemons is Editor at Large of The Atlantic and Editor-in-Chief of AtlanticLIVE, the premium division of Atlantic 3D journalism. Clemons is also foreign policy and politics contributor to MSNBC. Clemons also founded and serves as Senior Fellow of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, a centrist policy think tank in Washington, DC where he previously served as Executive Vice President. Prior to this, Clemons served as Executive Vice President of the Economic Strategy Institute, was Senior Economic & International Affairs Advisor to Senator Jeff Bingaman, and was the founding Executive Director of the Nixon Center, now re-named the Center for National Interest. Clemons writes and speaks frequently on consequential national security, politics, and economic policy issues.

モデレーターBrian Morrissey
DIGIDAY/President & editor-in-chief


BuzzFeed JAPAN、創刊1周年を迎えて:さらなる成長と収益化の展望

BuzzFeed Japan: 12 month in, a vision for further growth and monetization

2016年1月に華々しくローンチしたBuzzFeed JAPAN。創刊からちょうど1年を経て、すでに月間1000万UV(ユニークビジター)を超え、またたく間にものすごい成長を成し遂げている。こうした輝かしい結果は、どんな試行錯誤や挑戦の末に実現したのか? また、今後どんなふうに、さらなる成長とマネタイズを考えているか? そのビジネスに対する姿勢を聞く。

With over 10 million unique visits per month, BuzzFeed Japan’s audience has been growing at breakneck speed since its launch in January 2016. 12 months on, we will discuss how BuzzFeed Japan intends to monetize such tremendous growth. Hear what they have to say on their position and future visions in growth and monetization.

スピーカー上野 正博
BuzzFeed Japan株式会社/代表取締役社長
Masahiro Ueno
BuzzFeed Japan Corporation/CEO

1964年生まれ。1987年株式会社リクルート入社。1998年ダブルクリック株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。2001年トランスコスモス株式会社 取締役就任。2003年同社 常務取締役に就任。2004年オーバーチュア株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。2006年ビカム株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。2011年4月CRITEO株式会社に入社し、アジア太平洋地域最高責任者に就任。2011年6月同社 代表取締役に就任(アジア太平洋地域最高責任者兼任)。2016年4月BuzzFeed Japan株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任。

Masahiro Ueno (born in 1964) previously served as Managing Director Asia Pacific for Criteo S.A., and Representative Director for Criteo K.K. in June 2011. He starts his carrier at Recruit. He was formerly the President at DoubleClick K.K. (currently a subsidiary of Google) from 1998, then joined as a Managing Director for Transcosmos in 2003. Ueno served as President of Overture K.K. (currently Yahoo Japan Corporation) from 2004. In 2006, Ueno was appointed President of Become Japan Corporation. Ueno join to BuzzFeed Japan as CEO in April 2016.

モデレーター長田 真



Image recognition and In-Image advertising: the next frontier in digital advertising


Images now reign supreme above the fold on most of today’s top sites, and even ++below there’s a stronger emphasis on showing over telling. At the center of any conversation about images is computer vision technology. With advancements in image recognition, publishers are now able to monetize their inventory of images while maintaining a great user experience. Greg Pritchard, Senior Vice President, International Development will show how top global publishers and brands are leveraging the technology to drive revenue and engage audiences.

スピーカーGreg Pritchard
GUMGUM, INC./Senior Vice President, International Development

Greg Pritchard is the SVP of International Development at GumGum. Under his leadership GumGum has expanded into EMEA and APAC, while launching strategic partnerships with agency holding groups, trading desks and premium publishers across these markets.

Greg joined GumGum in 2010 to lead publisher development, overseeing the strategy and launch of the industry’s first In-Image advertising platform and its growth to 400 million unique users. Greg also lead the launch of GumGum’s programmatic offering and Visual Intelligence technology.

Greg grew up in Minneapolis, MN and holds a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota.



Fuji TV’s digital approach: Houdoukyoku’s strategy and VR’s future


Fuji TV’s digital news media outlet “Houdoukyoku” relaunched its site in October 2016 and its digital chops are already in evidence. The new site not only produces 24-hour live videos, but also delivers news in a variety of formats: text, shorter video, infographics, and even interviews using VR technology. This session explores how to monetize with each news format and the future of news business.

スピーカー清水 俊宏
Toshihiro Shimizu
Fuji Television Network, Inc./News Content Project Leader of Fuji Television Network


Toshihiro joined Fuji Television in 2002 as a writer of politics team and interviewed Junichiro Koizumi, a former prime minister of Japan. After that, he has served as a director of news programs, such as Shinhodo2001, Uppeer House election program in 2013 and Lower House election program in 2014, and later he worked as a producer of News JAPAN. He is in his current position since 2016, directing a news media, Houdoukyoku and VR business. He likes to travel overseas.


Coffee & Networking Break



An Aggressive Data Strategy for Media and Publishers


Digital platforms play a big part of content delivery for media and publishers. But it is all the more so important for us to understand and engage with audience on our own. In this session, we will discuss about the strategy needed to control our own destiny.

スピーカー太田 禎一
アドビ システムズ株式会社/アドビ・グローバル・サービス ソリューションコンサルティング本部 ソリューション コンサルタント
太田 禎一
Teiichi Ota
Adobe Systems Co., Ltd./Solutions Consultant Solutions Consulting Adobe Global Services

アドビ システムズ(旧マクロメディア)でDirector/Flash/Dreamweaverなどクリエイティブツールのプロダクトマネジメント/マーケティング/エバンジェリズムを担当し、一流Flashクリエイターを核としたユーザーコミュニティの発展と国際交流に関与。現在はオンラインビデオビジネスやクリエイティブ領域でコンサルタントおよびフリーエバンジェリストとして活動。

Started his career in product management, product marketing, and evangelism of interactive Web design/authoring tools such as Director, Flash, Dreamweaver at Macromedia and Adobe. Having worked with kick-ass Japanese Flash creators, contributed to the development of interactive design user communities in Japan, and helped them engaged with numerous cool shit creators around the world. Working as a consultant and evangelist in online video and creative space since 2014.



The future of SHUEISHA INC.’s partnership with Project8

2017年、集英社のECサイト「FLAG SHOP」は、創業10周年を迎える。同社の女性8誌と連動したこのECサイトは、各誌のWebサイトを統合するポータルサイト「HAPPY PLUS」とも連動。2015年に分社化されたProject8とともに運用するこのふたつのサイトでは、ユーザーをともに還流し合う、エコシステムを目指している。集英社はProject8を通して、どんな未来を描いているのか?

Shueisha’s e-commerce site “FLAG SHOP” is celebrating 10th anniversary in 2017. “FLAG SHOP” links Shueisha’s eight different women’s fashion magazines, and now links with the company’s main site “HAPPY PLUS” too. The operation of the sites is run by Project8, the company’s subsidiary since 2015. These two sites aspire to create an ecosystem where users can be mutually circulated. This session will explore the future of Shueisha’s partnership with Project8.

スピーカー小林 桂
小林 桂
Kei Kobayashi
SHUEISHA Inc./Director

集英社に入社後、宣伝部、広告部、ブランド事業部などに勤務。2015年に株式会社プロジェクト8を設立 同社代表取締役に就任。

Kei served at PR, advertising, and brand division since he joined SHUEISHA. He is currently a board member of the company’s dirctors. He also founded Project8, subsidiary of SHUEISHA in 2015 and serves as a CEO of the company.

モデレーター長田 真



Video moves business


Brightcove provides thousands of Publishers “Video Platform”, and now offers the “Video Platform” by latest core technology with engagement of social media or Live streaming due to expanding Revenue and Customer reach.

スピーカー北庄司 英雄
小林 桂
Hideo Kitashoji
Brightcove K.K./Senior Sales Director

2001年ヤフー株式会社入社、ディスプレイ広告の営業を7年間担当した後、国内の動画配信事業社にて企業向けの動画活用の啓蒙や導入などに注力。2012年にセールスディレクターとしてブライトコーブに入社。 以来、自社サービスである「Video Cloud」を活用したオウンドメディアの動画マーケティングを推進。特に最近はメディア企業向けに動画広告によるマネタイズのコンサルティング提案に注力している。

Hideo Kitashoji joined Brightcove in 2012 as Sales Director. Since then, he promotes video marketing with owned media by utilizing Brightcove’s Video Cloud service. He also focuses on business development with video ads for media companies such as TV stations and newspapers.
Prior to Brightcove, Kitashoji focused on enlightenment and introduction of enterprise video in a domestic company of video distribution. He joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2001 and experienced branding ad sales for seven years.



How the WSJ Japan Differentiates


Japan has no shortage of large, high-quality business news brands. For the Wall Street Journal that means carving out a niche in the market by translating the American view of global business and politics to a Japanese context.

スピーカーGeorge Nishiyama
The Wall Street Journal/WSJ 日本版編集⻑
George Nishiyama
George Nishiyama
The Wall Street Journal/Managing Editor,The Wall Street Journal Japan


George Nishiyama is Managing Editor, responsible for overseeing The Wall Street Journal Japan (JWSJ) and Dow Jones’ Japanese Language Service (JLS) for institutional clients. George joined The Journal’s Tokyo bureau in 2011 as an editor in charge of economic policy coverage. Leading a team of reporters, he has been covering Abenomics from its launch, including the initial success of the Bank of Japan’s drastic easing measures and the struggle it is now facing amid an economic slowdown. More recently, he traded time with bureaucrats and politicians for time with a high‐school baseball pitcher in a rural town for a feature on his challenge at making it to the pros. George grew up in the U.S. and in Japan, and prior to The Journal, spent 18 years at Reuters, where he last managed its Japanese website as Deputy Editor.

モデレーターBrian Morrissey
DIGIDAY/President & editor-in-chief


Networking Lunch



Unify, understand, activate Audience with Data

多くのメディアやブランド企業に、プライベートDMPを提供しているトレジャーデータの新しい概念であるLive Data Managementについてユースケースを交えてご紹介します。

Treasure Data’s new concept “Live Data Management” introduces how to unify, understand, and activate audience with data. Of course, with private dmp case studies.

スピーカー堀内 健后
堀内 健后
Kengo Horiuchi
Treasure Data Inc./Director of Marketing at Treasure Data, Inc.

プライスウォーターハウスクーパースコンサルタント株式会社(現 日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社)にて、業務改革、システム改革のプロジェクトに参画。2006年、マネックスグループ株式会社に入社、顧客向けWebサービスの企画・開発のプロジェクトマネージャーを担当。2013年2月より、トレジャーデータ株式会社入社、日本国内での事業展開を進めている。

Joined Treasure Data as a leader to establish their business in Japan and now take in leading role in marketing and developing new business not only in Japan but in Asia. Prior to joining the company, worked for Monex Group and leading engineering team of Monex Lab, and developed mobile and web apps of asset management with agile process. He was first AWS user in financial industry in Japan. Prior to joining Monex, he served as a consultant in PwC to conduct several BPR projects, and IT strategy.



Why JBpress wears two hats; Running the media and a platform business


スピーカー菅原 聡
菅原 聡
Satoshi Sugahara
Japan Business Press Co., Ltd./CEO

早稲田大学 法学部卒。新聞社系出版社にて、電子技術、医療、デジタルトレンド、ビジネス、ライフスタイルほか、多様なWebサイトの開発・運営に携わる。2008年、創業メンバーのひとりとして(株)日本ビジネスプレスを立ち上げる。同年11月より代表取締役に就任。2015年10月より(株)ビジネスメディア・ファクトリー、および(株)JBpress 代表取締役を兼任。

After Satoshi graduated from the law school of Waseda University, he joined a publishing company and produced and run a variety of web-sites, regarding electronic technology, medical, digital trend, business, lifestyle, and etc. Satoshi founded Japan Business Press in 2008 as a member of co-founders, and took a place of president in November 2008. Satoshi also serves as CEO of Business Media Factory and JBpress since October 2015.


2017年 ライブストリーミング ミッドロール広告元年

2017: The year of live streaming mid-roll AD


Live video is growing its importance among various sorts of video streaming service. Mid-roll ad comes under the spotlight as a new video monetization model. Hiroshi Hatta, CEO SkillUp Video Technologie will show how terrific live video is in digital marketing nowadays and how external factor like Google, Facebook affect video business.

スピーカー八田 浩
八田 浩
Hiroshi Hatta
Skill Up Video Technologies Corporation/CEO

2001年明治大学経営学部卒業。 証券会社勤務の後、2004年株式会社オプト入社。 名古屋営業所立ち上げなど営業に従事したのち、電通との資本業務提携においては協業責任者として同社へ出向。 2010年オプトに帰任以来、従来の広告代理事業に加え、アドテク事業、動画事業、オムニチャネル事業のメディア/商品開発を担当。2011年7月株式会社オプト執行役員に就任。2015年4月~2016年3月まで同社取締役に就任。2015年12月より当社代表取締役社長に就任。

Hiroshi Hatta serves as CEO of Skill Up Video Technologies in December 2015. He served as Director of board at OPT in 2014. He worked for OPT from 2004. In the capital and business alliance between Dentsu and OPT, he was in chage of collaboration with Dentsu from 2008 to 2010.
Since returning to OPT, in addition to the conventional advertising agency business, he was in charge of media / product development /ad tech business/ online video business, omni channel business. Hiroshi Hatta graduated from the Meiji University Faculty of Business Administration in 2001.



SANKEI DIGITAL’s 12th anniversary challenge


Sankei Digital is an affiliate of Sankei Shimbun, Japan’s daily economics and industry newspaper. Sankei Digital will be turning 12 in 2017. Free of established restraints as a relatively new venture, the company’s roguish attitude and quick decision-making has differentiated it from its parent company. This session will explore the advantages and drawbacks of the start-up mindset in publishing.

スピーカー鳥居 洋介
株式会社 産経デジタル/代表取締役社長 CEO
Yousuke Torii


Yousuke was born in 1960 in Osaka. After he graduated from KWANSEI GAKUIN University, Yousuke joined Sankei Shimbun and served as a director of Fuji Evening Kansai editorial division, a director of culture division of Sankei Shumbun Tokyo headquarters, an editor in chief of evening edition at Osaka headquarters, a president of Fuji Evening, and a director of editorial division at Osaka headquarters. He then serves as a president and CEO of Sankei Digital since June, 2015.


Wrap Up “5 things we’ve learned”

スピーカー長田 真


Closing party




250-0024 神奈川県小田原市根府川










